The mutualistic development process:
An Originator posts a Concept. Supporters become a Community by contributing $1USD to the Project Funds.
When the Community reaches Critical Mass, Modifications are unlocked.
The Community may propose Budget Modifications or Idea Modifications. The Community may Support the Modifications with $1USD. If 51% of the Community Supports a Modification, it becomes Adopted as an official update to the Concept.
Support and Modifications add to the Project Funds and financially support the Originator, Adopters, Modifiers, and maintain the platform.
When Project Funds match the Budget, the Concept is Funded. Project Funds are immediately Disbursed to the Appointee, who will execute the Community’s ultimate vision of the Concept.
If Critical Mass or Funding are not reached within 365 days, the Concept goes into Chaos, and Project Funds are Disbursed.
Community: The Originator, Supporters, Modifiers, Adopters, and Appointees who are collectively developing a Concept.
Originator: The individual who initially proposed a Community’s Concept.
Concept: An Idea plus a Budget posted on
Idea: A summary of what you want to create.
Budget: The amount of money needed to turn the idea into a physical reality.
Supporter: Someone who has Supported at least $1 USD to a Concept, and is eligible to participate in Modifications when they become unlocked.
Support: A $1 USD donation made to a Concept.
Project Funds: The pool of money donated to a Concept through Support and Modifications.
Critical Mass: The number of Supporters required to unlock Modifications. The default Critical Mass is 1,000 Supporters.
Modifier: Someone whose Modification has been Supported by at least one other Supporter.
Budget Modification: A proposed adjustment to a Concept’s Budget.
Idea Modification: A proposed adjustment to a Concept’s Idea.
Adopter: A Modifier whose Modification has been Adopted into a Concept.
Adoption: The official incorporation of a Modification into a Concept.
Appointee: The recipient of Project Funds if/when the Concept becomes Funded. Appointees must legally agree to use the funds as stipulated in the Concept. The default Appointee is the Originator.
Funded: The moment a Concept’s Project Funds match the Budget and all Project Funds are released to the Appointee.
Disbursement: The return or repurposing of Project Funds based on the outcome of Chaos.
Chaos: If a Concept is not funded after 365 days, Concept Support and Modification is suspended, and the community goes into a 30-day period of collaborating to decide how the Project Funds will be Disbursed. If 51% of the community cannot agree on the terms of Disbursement, the Appointee makes a unilateral decision about how to Disburse the funds.